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MPlayer Board:

Use the MPlayer Board For 2 to 4 players or 2 to 4 Teams can play competition, tract winnings or 1 player can play for money. The MPlayer board can be activated by clicking the "P" button. The Game options can be activated by clicking the "G" button. To activate the Hangman board or to play for play money. To Add Players or Teams click the "MPlayer(s) button on the MPlayer Board.

2 to 4 Players

Each player or Team takes a turn if the player or team guesses right the player or team turn continues, however if you have selected elimination play turn goes to the next player or team regards of correct or wrong. If player or team guesses wrong turn goes to next player or team. Play continues until one player or team wins, you press the reset button on the Game board or you exit the program. A win is based on Game Options you selected. If playing for an amount the first player or team over the prize amount wins. If playing $0=Out last player or team left is the winner.

Team Play:

If more than four players you can use Team play. Simply dived up into even teams when possible then decide the style of Team play. When you play teams players take turns 1 player on team takes a turn if the player guesses right the players turn continues, if the player guesses wrong then turn goes to the next team. The next time the team get it's turn the next player on the team takes a turn. Play continues until one team wins, you press the reset button on the Game board or you exit the program. You can make it more interesting when a team player makes a good guess the turn goes to the next player on the players team, if the player guesses wrong then turn goes to the next team.

To activate the player board click the "P". To activate the Game Options click the "G".


Some options may not be available, please read the Product Chart if you have any question about what options are available to you.

Copyrights and Data Sources


© Copyright 1996-2009 James Otis Crittenden III All rights reserved.