MPickIt Picks

Use MPicks to pick lottery numbers for lotteries not listed. The lotteries and options available depend on the version.
MPick 5 – Use MPickIt Pick 5 to pick 5 lottery numbers for lotteries not listed. Picks 5 numbers from 0 to 9 or 5 number from 1 to 99. The default settings for MPick 5, minimum 1 and maximum 42 is set to pick numbers for the Georgia Fantasy 5 Lottery.
MPick 5+1 - Use MPickIt Pick 5 lottery numbers. Use MPickIt Pick 5 Plus 1 to pick 5 plus 1 lottery numbers for lotteries not listed. Picks 5 numbers from 1 to 99 and 1 number from 1 to 99. The default settings for MPick 5 + 1, maximum 48 and maximum 18 is set to pick numbers for the Lucky For Life Lottery.
MPick 6 - Use MPickIt Pick 6 lottery numbers. Use MPickIt Pick 6 to pick 6 lottery numbers for lotteries not listed. Picks 6 numbers from 0 to 9 or 6 numbers from 1 to 99. The default settings for MPick 6 minimum 1 and maximum 49 is set to pick numbers for the Pennsylvania Match 6 Lottery.
MPickIt - Use MPickIt MPicks up to 12 lottery numbers. Use MPickIt MPicks to up to 12 lottery numbers for lotteries not listed. Picks up to 12 numbers from 0 to 9 or 10 numbers from 1 to 99. The default settings for MPicks minimum 1 and maximum 80 is set to pick numbers for Keno Lottery.
Main - Use Main to pick Cash 5, Cash Pop, Daily 3, Daily 4, Daily California Daily Derby, Fantasy 5, Gopher 5, keno, Lucky Day, Mass Cash, Win For Life